Frequently asked questions about our rehearsal rooms.

  • What is the size, equipment and design of your rehearsal studios?

    Our rehearsal spaces measure between 15 and 35 m2 depending on the type of studio chosen. They are equipped with a full sound system, drums, microphones and amps for guitars and basses. Each studio also contains a keyboard stand and a 10 input analogue mixer. In all of our rehearsal rooms there is a stage keyboard available.

  • Maximum capacity of your rehearsal studios?

    Our standard rehearsal rooms are equipped for a maximum capacity of 6 people and our XL rehearsal rooms for a maximum of 10 people. For your own safety, we ask that you do not occupy the studio with more than the permitted capacity. Failure to comply with the maximum permitted capacity is a breach of our terms and conditions and may result in account suspension and a fine.

  • Before your session & what to bring to our rehearsal rooms?

    Our rehearsal studios are fully equipped with amps, drums and a full sound system including a USB mixer, vocal microphones and active monitors. There are plenty of options for plugging in your equipment if you need to.

    Just bring your own instruments, guitars, basses, keys, plugs and plug the jack.

    We do not provide drumsticks, so bring your own.

    A keyboard stand is available in each rehearsal studio. 

    We do not provide any other audio cables, so bring your own if you want to connect your phone or computer to the mixing console.

  • Need advice during your session?

    At Plug The Jack we don't offer courses or lessons and we leave it up to you when it comes to using the materials we provide, as learning is part of the creative process. There are plenty of tutorials to help you out if you need to. 

  • Can live sessions be recorded in the rehearsal rooms?

    Our rehearsal space is not designed for multi-track recording for production purposes. However, if you wish to record your session to track the progress of your work or share it with the group, you have two options: bring your own external recording device (e.g. ZoomH2N) or use one or more microphones and record your tracks on your computer using the USB mixing console as an audio interface.