StudioController :: listAction


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Key Value

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Key Value
[ "_locale" => "fr"]
Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template {#2530 #template: "studio/list.html.twig" -vars: [] -streamable: false -owner: []}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1670 #title: "Répétition, DJ, Podcast, Enregistrement - Réservez votre studio" #description: "Choisissez parmi nos studios disponibles et réservez votre propre créneau pour commencer à répéter et à enregistrer à fond et sans limite." #metaData: [] #type: "page" #prettyUrl: "/fr/reservation-studio" #targetGroupIds: "" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\StudioController::listAction" #template: null #editables: [ "bottom-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Areablock {#7305 #indices: [] #current: 0 #currentIndex: null #blockStarted: null #brickTypeUsageCounter: [] #config: [ "allowed" => [] "types" => [ [ "name" => "Block lié à un snippet" "description" => "" "type" => "apk-snippet" "icon" => "/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/flat-color-icons/snippet.svg" "limit" => null "needsReload" => false "hasDialogBoxConfiguration" => false ] [ "name" => "Blocks de vidéos" "description" => "Blocks de vidéos par groupes de 3" "type" => "apk-video-blocks" 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false inherited: false } "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1650 #name: "navigation_exclude" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 100 #inheritable: false #inherited: false #dao: null name: "navigation_exclude" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 100 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1649 #name: "navigation_name" #data: "Tarifs & Réservation" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 100 #inheritable: false #inherited: false #dao: null name: "navigation_name" data: "Tarifs & Réservation" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 100 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1648 #name: "navigation_parameters" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 100 #inheritable: false #inherited: false #dao: null name: "navigation_parameters" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 100 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Pimcore\Model\Property {#1665} "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1667} "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1669} "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1663} "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1662} "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1661} "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1660} "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1659} "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1658} "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1657} "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1656} "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1655} "is-canonical" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1654} "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1653} "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1652} "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1651} "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1650} "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1649} "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1648} "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1647} "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1646} "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1645} "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#1644} ] children: [] hasChildren: [ "document_list_0" => false ] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] locked: null versionCount: 30 dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1706529470 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null } -path: "/fr/reservation-studio" -host: "" -schemes: [] -methods: [] -defaults: [ "_locale" => "fr" "_controller" => "App\Controller\StudioController::listAction" ] -requirements: [] -options: [ "compiler_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCompiler" "utf8" => true ] -condition: "" -compiled: Symfony\Component\Routing\CompiledRoute {#1827 …}}

Request Headers

Header Value
"gzip, br, zstd, deflate"
"Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;"

Request Content

Request content not available (it was retrieved as a resource).


Response Headers

Header Value
"private, must-revalidate"
"text/html; charset=UTF-8"
"Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:43:26 GMT"
"Tue, 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT"


Request Cookies

No request cookies

Response Cookies

No response cookies


Session Metadata

No session metadata

Session Attributes

No session attributes

Session Usage

0 Usages
Stateless check enabled

Session not used.



No flash messages were created.

Server Parameters

Server Parameters

Defined in .env

Key Value

Defined as regular env variables

Key Value
"gzip, br, zstd, deflate"
"Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;"

Sub Requests 4

DefaultController :: defaultAction (token = a18474)

Key Value
Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template {#4311 #template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" -vars: [] -streamable: false -owner: []}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133 #type: "snippet" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "snippets/cta-banner.html.twig" #editables: [ "cta-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4374 #text: """ <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Parraine un ami et recevez chacun<br />\n 10€ de crédits !</strong></p>\n """ #config: [] #name: "cta-content" #realName: "cta-content" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: """ <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Parraine un ami et recevez chacun<br />\n 10€ de crédits !</strong></p>\n """ config: [] name: "cta-content" realName: "cta-content" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "cta-image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#4372 #id: null #alt: "" #image: null #cropPercent: null #cropWidth: null #cropHeight: null #cropTop: null #cropLeft: null #hotspots: null #marker: null #config: [] #name: "cta-image" #realName: "cta-image" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null id: null alt: "" image: null cropPercent: null cropWidth: null cropHeight: null cropTop: null cropLeft: null hotspots: null marker: null config: [] name: "cta-image" realName: "cta-image" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "cta-link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#4375 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "" "path" => "/fr/parrainage" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 339 ] #config: [] #name: "cta-link" #realName: "cta-link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "" "path" => "/fr/parrainage" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 339 ] config: [] name: "cta-link" realName: "cta-link" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } ] #versions: null #contentMasterDocumentId: null #supportsContentMaster: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #fullPathCache: null #id: 335 #parentId: 96 #parent: null #key: "cta-banner" #path: "/fr/Snippets/" #index: 14 #published: true #creationDate: 1721802795 #modificationDate: 1722345889 #userOwner: 2 #userModification: 3 #properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4136 #name: "BookNowLink" #data: "100" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "BookNowLink" data: "100" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4127 #name: "companyMail" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "companyMail" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4124 #name: "defaultSearchPlace" #data: "18" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "defaultSearchPlace" data: "18" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4125 #name: "facebookUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "facebookUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4131 #name: "footerLogo" #data: "6" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "footerLogo" data: "6" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4134 #name: "instagramUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "instagramUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4135 #name: "language" #data: "fr" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "language" data: "fr" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4128 #name: "linkedinUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "linkedinUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4132 #name: "mainNavStartNode" #data: "94" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "mainNavStartNode" data: "94" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4137 #name: "packsCreditsUrl" #data: "255" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "packsCreditsUrl" data: "255" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4138 #name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" #data: null #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" data: null type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4139 #name: "SEO-OG-Image" #data: null #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-Image" data: null type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4140 #name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" #data: "4249" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" data: "4249" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4141 #name: "studiosDetailLink" #data: "111" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailLink" data: "111" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4142 #name: "studiosDetailText" #data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailText" data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4143 #name: "themeDark" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "themeDark" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4144 #name: "whoIsJackLink" #data: "99" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "whoIsJackLink" data: "99" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4145 #name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" #data: "339" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" data: "339" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #locked: null #versionCount: 51 #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1722345889 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#4368 …} #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #scheduledTasks: null +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_335" type: "snippet" controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" template: "snippets/cta-banner.html.twig" editables: [ "cta-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4374} "cta-image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#4372} "cta-link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#4375} ] versions: null contentMasterDocumentId: null supportsContentMaster: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [] fullPathCache: null id: 335 parentId: 96 parent: null key: "cta-banner" path: "/fr/Snippets/" index: 14 published: true creationDate: 1721802795 modificationDate: 1722345889 userOwner: 2 userModification: 3 properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4136} "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4127} "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4124} "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4125} "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4131} "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4134} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4135} "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4128} "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4132} "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4137} "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4138} "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4139} "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4140} "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4141} "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4142} "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4143} "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4144} "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4145} ] children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] locked: null versionCount: 51 dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1722345889 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133 #type: "snippet" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "snippets/cta-banner.html.twig" #editables: [ "cta-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4374 #text: """ <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Parraine un ami et recevez chacun<br />\n 10€ de crédits !</strong></p>\n """ #config: [] #name: "cta-content" #realName: "cta-content" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: """ <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Parraine un ami et recevez chacun<br />\n 10€ de crédits !</strong></p>\n """ config: [] name: "cta-content" realName: "cta-content" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "cta-image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#4372 #id: null #alt: "" #image: null #cropPercent: null #cropWidth: null #cropHeight: null #cropTop: null #cropLeft: null #hotspots: null #marker: null #config: [] #name: "cta-image" #realName: "cta-image" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null id: null alt: "" image: null cropPercent: null cropWidth: null cropHeight: null cropTop: null cropLeft: null hotspots: null marker: null config: [] name: "cta-image" realName: "cta-image" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "cta-link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#4375 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "" "path" => "/fr/parrainage" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 339 ] #config: [] #name: "cta-link" #realName: "cta-link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "" "path" => "/fr/parrainage" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 339 ] config: [] name: "cta-link" realName: "cta-link" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } ] #versions: null #contentMasterDocumentId: null #supportsContentMaster: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #fullPathCache: null #id: 335 #parentId: 96 #parent: null #key: "cta-banner" #path: "/fr/Snippets/" #index: 14 #published: true #creationDate: 1721802795 #modificationDate: 1722345889 #userOwner: 2 #userModification: 3 #properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4136 #name: "BookNowLink" #data: "100" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "BookNowLink" data: "100" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4127 #name: "companyMail" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "companyMail" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4124 #name: "defaultSearchPlace" #data: "18" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "defaultSearchPlace" data: "18" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4125 #name: "facebookUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "facebookUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4131 #name: "footerLogo" #data: "6" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "footerLogo" data: "6" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4134 #name: "instagramUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "instagramUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4135 #name: "language" #data: "fr" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "language" data: "fr" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4128 #name: "linkedinUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "linkedinUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4132 #name: "mainNavStartNode" #data: "94" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "mainNavStartNode" data: "94" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4137 #name: "packsCreditsUrl" #data: "255" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "packsCreditsUrl" data: "255" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4138 #name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" #data: null #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" data: null type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4139 #name: "SEO-OG-Image" #data: null #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-Image" data: null type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4140 #name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" #data: "4249" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" data: "4249" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4141 #name: "studiosDetailLink" #data: "111" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailLink" data: "111" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4142 #name: "studiosDetailText" #data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailText" data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4143 #name: "themeDark" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "themeDark" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4144 #name: "whoIsJackLink" #data: "99" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "whoIsJackLink" data: "99" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4145 #name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" #data: "339" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" data: "339" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #locked: null #versionCount: 51 #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1722345889 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#4368 …} #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #scheduledTasks: null +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_335" type: "snippet" controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" template: "snippets/cta-banner.html.twig" editables: [ "cta-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4374} "cta-image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#4372} "cta-link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#4375} ] versions: null contentMasterDocumentId: null supportsContentMaster: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [] fullPathCache: null id: 335 parentId: 96 parent: null key: "cta-banner" path: "/fr/Snippets/" index: 14 published: true creationDate: 1721802795 modificationDate: 1722345889 userOwner: 2 userModification: 3 properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4136} "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4127} "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4124} "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4125} "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4131} "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4134} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4135} "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4128} "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4132} "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4137} "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4138} "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4139} "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4140} "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4141} "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4142} "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4143} "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4144} "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4145} ] children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] locked: null versionCount: 51 dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1722345889 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null}

DefaultController :: defaultAction (token = 610c52)

Key Value
Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template {#4311 #template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" -vars: [] -streamable: false -owner: []}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133 #type: "snippet" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "snippets/cta-banner.html.twig" #editables: [ "cta-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4374 #text: """ <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Parraine un ami et recevez chacun<br />\n 10€ de crédits !</strong></p>\n """ #config: [] #name: "cta-content" #realName: "cta-content" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: """ <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Parraine un ami et recevez chacun<br />\n 10€ de crédits !</strong></p>\n """ config: [] name: "cta-content" realName: "cta-content" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "cta-image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#4372 #id: null #alt: "" #image: null #cropPercent: null #cropWidth: null #cropHeight: null #cropTop: null #cropLeft: null #hotspots: null #marker: null #config: [] #name: "cta-image" #realName: "cta-image" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null id: null alt: "" image: null cropPercent: null cropWidth: null cropHeight: null cropTop: null cropLeft: null hotspots: null marker: null config: [] name: "cta-image" realName: "cta-image" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "cta-link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#4375 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "" "path" => "/fr/parrainage" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 339 ] #config: [] #name: "cta-link" #realName: "cta-link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "" "path" => "/fr/parrainage" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 339 ] config: [] name: "cta-link" realName: "cta-link" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } ] #versions: null #contentMasterDocumentId: null #supportsContentMaster: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #fullPathCache: null #id: 335 #parentId: 96 #parent: null #key: "cta-banner" #path: "/fr/Snippets/" #index: 14 #published: true #creationDate: 1721802795 #modificationDate: 1722345889 #userOwner: 2 #userModification: 3 #properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4136 #name: "BookNowLink" #data: "100" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "BookNowLink" data: "100" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4127 #name: "companyMail" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "companyMail" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4124 #name: "defaultSearchPlace" #data: "18" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "defaultSearchPlace" data: "18" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4125 #name: "facebookUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "facebookUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4131 #name: "footerLogo" #data: "6" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "footerLogo" data: "6" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4134 #name: "instagramUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "instagramUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4135 #name: "language" #data: "fr" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "language" data: "fr" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4128 #name: "linkedinUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "linkedinUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4132 #name: "mainNavStartNode" #data: "94" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "mainNavStartNode" data: "94" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4137 #name: "packsCreditsUrl" #data: "255" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "packsCreditsUrl" data: "255" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4138 #name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" #data: null #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" data: null type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4139 #name: "SEO-OG-Image" #data: null #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-Image" data: null type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4140 #name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" #data: "4249" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" data: "4249" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4141 #name: "studiosDetailLink" #data: "111" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailLink" data: "111" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4142 #name: "studiosDetailText" #data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailText" data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4143 #name: "themeDark" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "themeDark" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4144 #name: "whoIsJackLink" #data: "99" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "whoIsJackLink" data: "99" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4145 #name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" #data: "339" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" data: "339" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #locked: null #versionCount: 51 #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1722345889 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#4368 …} #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #scheduledTasks: null +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_335" type: "snippet" controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" template: "snippets/cta-banner.html.twig" editables: [ "cta-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4374} "cta-image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#4372} "cta-link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#4375} ] versions: null contentMasterDocumentId: null supportsContentMaster: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [] fullPathCache: null id: 335 parentId: 96 parent: null key: "cta-banner" path: "/fr/Snippets/" index: 14 published: true creationDate: 1721802795 modificationDate: 1722345889 userOwner: 2 userModification: 3 properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4136} "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4127} "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4124} "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4125} "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4131} "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4134} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4135} "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4128} "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4132} "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4137} "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4138} "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4139} "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4140} "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4141} "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4142} "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4143} "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4144} "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4145} ] children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] locked: null versionCount: 51 dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1722345889 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133 #type: "snippet" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "snippets/cta-banner.html.twig" #editables: [ "cta-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4374 #text: """ <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Parraine un ami et recevez chacun<br />\n 10€ de crédits !</strong></p>\n """ #config: [] #name: "cta-content" #realName: "cta-content" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: """ <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Parraine un ami et recevez chacun<br />\n 10€ de crédits !</strong></p>\n """ config: [] name: "cta-content" realName: "cta-content" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "cta-image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#4372 #id: null #alt: "" #image: null #cropPercent: null #cropWidth: null #cropHeight: null #cropTop: null #cropLeft: null #hotspots: null #marker: null #config: [] #name: "cta-image" #realName: "cta-image" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null id: null alt: "" image: null cropPercent: null cropWidth: null cropHeight: null cropTop: null cropLeft: null hotspots: null marker: null config: [] name: "cta-image" realName: "cta-image" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "cta-link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#4375 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "" "path" => "/fr/parrainage" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 339 ] #config: [] #name: "cta-link" #realName: "cta-link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 335 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "" "path" => "/fr/parrainage" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 339 ] config: [] name: "cta-link" realName: "cta-link" documentId: 335 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4133} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } ] #versions: null #contentMasterDocumentId: null #supportsContentMaster: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #fullPathCache: null #id: 335 #parentId: 96 #parent: null #key: "cta-banner" #path: "/fr/Snippets/" #index: 14 #published: true #creationDate: 1721802795 #modificationDate: 1722345889 #userOwner: 2 #userModification: 3 #properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4136 #name: "BookNowLink" #data: "100" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "BookNowLink" data: "100" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4127 #name: "companyMail" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "companyMail" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4124 #name: "defaultSearchPlace" #data: "18" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "defaultSearchPlace" data: "18" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4125 #name: "facebookUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "facebookUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4131 #name: "footerLogo" #data: "6" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "footerLogo" data: "6" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4134 #name: "instagramUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "instagramUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4135 #name: "language" #data: "fr" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "language" data: "fr" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4128 #name: "linkedinUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "linkedinUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4132 #name: "mainNavStartNode" #data: "94" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "mainNavStartNode" data: "94" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4137 #name: "packsCreditsUrl" #data: "255" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "packsCreditsUrl" data: "255" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4138 #name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" #data: null #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" data: null type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4139 #name: "SEO-OG-Image" #data: null #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-Image" data: null type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4140 #name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" #data: "4249" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" data: "4249" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4141 #name: "studiosDetailLink" #data: "111" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailLink" data: "111" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4142 #name: "studiosDetailText" #data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailText" data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4143 #name: "themeDark" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "themeDark" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4144 #name: "whoIsJackLink" #data: "99" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "whoIsJackLink" data: "99" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4145 #name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" #data: "339" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 335 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" data: "339" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 335 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #locked: null #versionCount: 51 #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1722345889 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#4368 …} #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #scheduledTasks: null +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_335" type: "snippet" controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" template: "snippets/cta-banner.html.twig" editables: [ "cta-content" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4374} "cta-image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#4372} "cta-link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#4375} ] versions: null contentMasterDocumentId: null supportsContentMaster: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [] fullPathCache: null id: 335 parentId: 96 parent: null key: "cta-banner" path: "/fr/Snippets/" index: 14 published: true creationDate: 1721802795 modificationDate: 1722345889 userOwner: 2 userModification: 3 properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4136} "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4127} "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4124} "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4125} "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4131} "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4134} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4135} "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4128} "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4132} "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4137} "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4138} "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4139} "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4140} "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4141} "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4142} "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4143} "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4144} "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#4145} ] children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] locked: null versionCount: 51 dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1722345889 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null}

DefaultController :: defaultAction (token = 36fdfe)

Key Value
Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template {#4311 #template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" -vars: [] -streamable: false -owner: []}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676 #type: "snippet" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" #editables: [ "colTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#7953 #text: "" #config: [ "nl2br" => true ] #name: "colTitle" #realName: "colTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: "" config: [ "nl2br" => true ] name: "colTitle" realName: "colTitle" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "colWysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#7925 #text: """ <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n BRUXELLES</strong></span><br />\n Avenue du péage 81<br />\n Woluwe-Saint-Lambert<br />\n &nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n ANVERS</strong></span><span style="font-size:26px"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span><br />\n Bredastraat 127<br />\n 2060 Anvers</p>\n \n <p>&nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><a href="tel:0032471 89 56 67">+(32) 471 89 56 67</a></p>\n \n <p><a href=""></a></p>\n """ #config: [] #name: "colWysiwyg" #realName: "colWysiwyg" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: """ <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n BRUXELLES</strong></span><br />\n Avenue du péage 81<br />\n Woluwe-Saint-Lambert<br />\n &nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n ANVERS</strong></span><span style="font-size:26px"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span><br />\n Bredastraat 127<br />\n 2060 Anvers</p>\n \n <p>&nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><a href="tel:0032471 89 56 67">+(32) 471 89 56 67</a></p>\n \n <p><a href=""></a></p>\n """ config: [] name: "colWysiwyg" realName: "colWysiwyg" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#7954 #indices: [ "1" "3" "4" "9" "6" "5" "10" ] #current: 0 #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #name: "contentblock" #realName: "contentblock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null indices: [ "1" "3" "4" "9" "6" "5" "10" ] current: 0 config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] name: "contentblock" realName: "contentblock" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7955 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition musiciens" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 107 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition musiciens" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 107 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7956 #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "CONDITIONS GENERALES" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "CONDITIONS GENERALES" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7957 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition batterie" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition/studio-pour-batteurs" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 224 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition batterie" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition/studio-pour-batteurs" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 224 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7958 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Location salle DJ " "path" => "/fr/studios-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 110 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Location salle DJ " "path" => "/fr/studios-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 110 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7959 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Enregistrement de musique" "path" => "/fr/studios-enregistrement-production" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 97 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Enregistrement de musique" "path" => "/fr/studios-enregistrement-production" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 97 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7960 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Studio podcast" "path" => "/fr/studios-podcast" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 109 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Studio podcast" "path" => "/fr/studios-podcast" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 109 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7961 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Comment Devenir DJ" "path" => "/fr/studios-dj/comment-devenir-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 245 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Comment Devenir DJ" "path" => "/fr/studios-dj/comment-devenir-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 245 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } ] #versions: null #contentMasterDocumentId: null #supportsContentMaster: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #fullPathCache: null #id: 113 #parentId: 96 #parent: Pimcore\Model\Document\Folder {#5739 …} #key: "footer" #path: "/fr/Snippets/" #index: 0 #published: true #creationDate: 1669716827 #modificationDate: 1710674533 #userOwner: 2 #userModification: 3 #properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7671 #name: "BookNowLink" #data: "100" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "BookNowLink" data: "100" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7389 #name: "companyMail" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "companyMail" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7680 #name: "defaultSearchPlace" #data: "18" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "defaultSearchPlace" data: "18" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7660 #name: "facebookUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "facebookUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7657 #name: "footerLogo" #data: "6" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "footerLogo" data: "6" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7669 #name: "instagramUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "instagramUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7684 #name: "language" #data: "fr" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: false #dao: null name: "language" data: "fr" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: false } "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7659 #name: "linkedinUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "linkedinUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7685 #name: "mainNavStartNode" #data: "94" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "mainNavStartNode" data: "94" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7670 #name: "packsCreditsUrl" #data: "255" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "packsCreditsUrl" data: "255" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7688 #name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" #data: null #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" data: null type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7683 #name: "SEO-OG-Image" #data: null #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-Image" data: null type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7681 #name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" #data: "4249" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" data: "4249" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7682 #name: "studiosDetailLink" #data: "111" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailLink" data: "111" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7675 #name: "studiosDetailText" #data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailText" data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7674 #name: "themeDark" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "themeDark" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7668 #name: "whoIsJackLink" #data: "99" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "whoIsJackLink" data: "99" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7686 #name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" #data: "339" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" data: "339" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #locked: null #versionCount: 104 #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1710674533 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#7689 …} #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #scheduledTasks: null +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_113" type: "snippet" controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" editables: [ "colTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#7953} "colWysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#7925} "contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#7954} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7955} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7956} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7957} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7958} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7959} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7960} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7961} ] versions: null contentMasterDocumentId: null supportsContentMaster: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [] fullPathCache: null id: 113 parentId: 96 parent: Pimcore\Model\Document\Folder {#5739 …} key: "footer" path: "/fr/Snippets/" index: 0 published: true creationDate: 1669716827 modificationDate: 1710674533 userOwner: 2 userModification: 3 properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7671} "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7389} "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7680} "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7660} "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7657} "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7669} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7684} "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7659} "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7685} "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7670} "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7688} "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7683} "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7681} "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7682} "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7675} "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7674} "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7668} "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7686} ] children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] locked: null versionCount: 104 dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1710674533 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676 #type: "snippet" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" #editables: [ "colTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#7953 #text: "" #config: [ "nl2br" => true ] #name: "colTitle" #realName: "colTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: "" config: [ "nl2br" => true ] name: "colTitle" realName: "colTitle" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "colWysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#7925 #text: """ <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n BRUXELLES</strong></span><br />\n Avenue du péage 81<br />\n Woluwe-Saint-Lambert<br />\n &nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n ANVERS</strong></span><span style="font-size:26px"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span><br />\n Bredastraat 127<br />\n 2060 Anvers</p>\n \n <p>&nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><a href="tel:0032471 89 56 67">+(32) 471 89 56 67</a></p>\n \n <p><a href=""></a></p>\n """ #config: [] #name: "colWysiwyg" #realName: "colWysiwyg" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: """ <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n BRUXELLES</strong></span><br />\n Avenue du péage 81<br />\n Woluwe-Saint-Lambert<br />\n &nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n ANVERS</strong></span><span style="font-size:26px"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span><br />\n Bredastraat 127<br />\n 2060 Anvers</p>\n \n <p>&nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><a href="tel:0032471 89 56 67">+(32) 471 89 56 67</a></p>\n \n <p><a href=""></a></p>\n """ config: [] name: "colWysiwyg" realName: "colWysiwyg" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#7954 #indices: [ "1" "3" "4" "9" "6" "5" "10" ] #current: 0 #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #name: "contentblock" #realName: "contentblock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null indices: [ "1" "3" "4" "9" "6" "5" "10" ] current: 0 config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] name: "contentblock" realName: "contentblock" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7955 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition musiciens" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 107 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition musiciens" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 107 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7956 #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "CONDITIONS GENERALES" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "CONDITIONS GENERALES" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7957 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition batterie" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition/studio-pour-batteurs" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 224 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition batterie" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition/studio-pour-batteurs" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 224 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7958 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Location salle DJ " "path" => "/fr/studios-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 110 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Location salle DJ " "path" => "/fr/studios-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 110 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7959 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Enregistrement de musique" "path" => "/fr/studios-enregistrement-production" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 97 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Enregistrement de musique" "path" => "/fr/studios-enregistrement-production" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 97 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7960 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Studio podcast" "path" => "/fr/studios-podcast" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 109 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Studio podcast" "path" => "/fr/studios-podcast" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 109 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7961 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Comment Devenir DJ" "path" => "/fr/studios-dj/comment-devenir-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 245 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Comment Devenir DJ" "path" => "/fr/studios-dj/comment-devenir-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 245 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } ] #versions: null #contentMasterDocumentId: null #supportsContentMaster: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #fullPathCache: null #id: 113 #parentId: 96 #parent: Pimcore\Model\Document\Folder {#5739 …} #key: "footer" #path: "/fr/Snippets/" #index: 0 #published: true #creationDate: 1669716827 #modificationDate: 1710674533 #userOwner: 2 #userModification: 3 #properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7671 #name: "BookNowLink" #data: "100" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "BookNowLink" data: "100" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7389 #name: "companyMail" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "companyMail" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7680 #name: "defaultSearchPlace" #data: "18" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "defaultSearchPlace" data: "18" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7660 #name: "facebookUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "facebookUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7657 #name: "footerLogo" #data: "6" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "footerLogo" data: "6" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7669 #name: "instagramUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "instagramUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7684 #name: "language" #data: "fr" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: false #dao: null name: "language" data: "fr" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: false } "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7659 #name: "linkedinUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "linkedinUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7685 #name: "mainNavStartNode" #data: "94" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "mainNavStartNode" data: "94" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7670 #name: "packsCreditsUrl" #data: "255" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "packsCreditsUrl" data: "255" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7688 #name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" #data: null #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" data: null type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7683 #name: "SEO-OG-Image" #data: null #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-Image" data: null type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7681 #name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" #data: "4249" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" data: "4249" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7682 #name: "studiosDetailLink" #data: "111" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailLink" data: "111" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7675 #name: "studiosDetailText" #data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailText" data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7674 #name: "themeDark" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "themeDark" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7668 #name: "whoIsJackLink" #data: "99" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "whoIsJackLink" data: "99" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7686 #name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" #data: "339" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" data: "339" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #locked: null #versionCount: 104 #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1710674533 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#7689 …} #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #scheduledTasks: null +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_113" type: "snippet" controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" editables: [ "colTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#7953} "colWysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#7925} "contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#7954} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7955} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7956} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7957} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7958} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7959} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7960} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7961} ] versions: null contentMasterDocumentId: null supportsContentMaster: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [] fullPathCache: null id: 113 parentId: 96 parent: Pimcore\Model\Document\Folder {#5739 …} key: "footer" path: "/fr/Snippets/" index: 0 published: true creationDate: 1669716827 modificationDate: 1710674533 userOwner: 2 userModification: 3 properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7671} "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7389} "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7680} "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7660} "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7657} "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7669} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7684} "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7659} "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7685} "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7670} "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7688} "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7683} "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7681} "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7682} "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7675} "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7674} "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7668} "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7686} ] children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] locked: null versionCount: 104 dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1710674533 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null}

DefaultController :: defaultAction (token = a94c19)

Key Value
Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template {#4311 #template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" -vars: [] -streamable: false -owner: []}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676 #type: "snippet" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" #editables: [ "colTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#7953 #text: "" #config: [ "nl2br" => true ] #name: "colTitle" #realName: "colTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: "" config: [ "nl2br" => true ] name: "colTitle" realName: "colTitle" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "colWysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#7925 #text: """ <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n BRUXELLES</strong></span><br />\n Avenue du péage 81<br />\n Woluwe-Saint-Lambert<br />\n &nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n ANVERS</strong></span><span style="font-size:26px"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span><br />\n Bredastraat 127<br />\n 2060 Anvers</p>\n \n <p>&nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><a href="tel:0032471 89 56 67">+(32) 471 89 56 67</a></p>\n \n <p><a href=""></a></p>\n """ #config: [] #name: "colWysiwyg" #realName: "colWysiwyg" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: """ <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n BRUXELLES</strong></span><br />\n Avenue du péage 81<br />\n Woluwe-Saint-Lambert<br />\n &nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n ANVERS</strong></span><span style="font-size:26px"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span><br />\n Bredastraat 127<br />\n 2060 Anvers</p>\n \n <p>&nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><a href="tel:0032471 89 56 67">+(32) 471 89 56 67</a></p>\n \n <p><a href=""></a></p>\n """ config: [] name: "colWysiwyg" realName: "colWysiwyg" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#7954 #indices: [ "1" "3" "4" "9" "6" "5" "10" ] #current: 0 #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #name: "contentblock" #realName: "contentblock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null indices: [ "1" "3" "4" "9" "6" "5" "10" ] current: 0 config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] name: "contentblock" realName: "contentblock" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7955 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition musiciens" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 107 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition musiciens" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 107 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7956 #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "CONDITIONS GENERALES" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "CONDITIONS GENERALES" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7957 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition batterie" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition/studio-pour-batteurs" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 224 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition batterie" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition/studio-pour-batteurs" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 224 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7958 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Location salle DJ " "path" => "/fr/studios-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 110 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Location salle DJ " "path" => "/fr/studios-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 110 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7959 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Enregistrement de musique" "path" => "/fr/studios-enregistrement-production" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 97 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Enregistrement de musique" "path" => "/fr/studios-enregistrement-production" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 97 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7960 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Studio podcast" "path" => "/fr/studios-podcast" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 109 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Studio podcast" "path" => "/fr/studios-podcast" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 109 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7961 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Comment Devenir DJ" "path" => "/fr/studios-dj/comment-devenir-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 245 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Comment Devenir DJ" "path" => "/fr/studios-dj/comment-devenir-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 245 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } ] #versions: null #contentMasterDocumentId: null #supportsContentMaster: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #fullPathCache: null #id: 113 #parentId: 96 #parent: Pimcore\Model\Document\Folder {#5739 …} #key: "footer" #path: "/fr/Snippets/" #index: 0 #published: true #creationDate: 1669716827 #modificationDate: 1710674533 #userOwner: 2 #userModification: 3 #properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7671 #name: "BookNowLink" #data: "100" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "BookNowLink" data: "100" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7389 #name: "companyMail" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "companyMail" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7680 #name: "defaultSearchPlace" #data: "18" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "defaultSearchPlace" data: "18" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7660 #name: "facebookUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "facebookUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7657 #name: "footerLogo" #data: "6" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "footerLogo" data: "6" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7669 #name: "instagramUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "instagramUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7684 #name: "language" #data: "fr" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: false #dao: null name: "language" data: "fr" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: false } "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7659 #name: "linkedinUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "linkedinUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7685 #name: "mainNavStartNode" #data: "94" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "mainNavStartNode" data: "94" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7670 #name: "packsCreditsUrl" #data: "255" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "packsCreditsUrl" data: "255" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7688 #name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" #data: null #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" data: null type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7683 #name: "SEO-OG-Image" #data: null #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-Image" data: null type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7681 #name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" #data: "4249" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" data: "4249" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7682 #name: "studiosDetailLink" #data: "111" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailLink" data: "111" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7675 #name: "studiosDetailText" #data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "studiosDetailText" data: "7J/7 | 9h-24h" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7674 #name: "themeDark" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "themeDark" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7668 #name: "whoIsJackLink" #data: "99" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "whoIsJackLink" data: "99" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7686 #name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" #data: "339" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "nonSponsoredUserLink" data: "339" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #locked: null #versionCount: 104 #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1710674533 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#7689 …} #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #scheduledTasks: null +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_113" type: "snippet" controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" editables: [ "colTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#7953} "colWysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#7925} "contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#7954} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7955} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7956} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7957} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7958} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7959} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7960} "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7961} ] versions: null contentMasterDocumentId: null supportsContentMaster: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [] fullPathCache: null id: 113 parentId: 96 parent: Pimcore\Model\Document\Folder {#5739 …} key: "footer" path: "/fr/Snippets/" index: 0 published: true creationDate: 1669716827 modificationDate: 1710674533 userOwner: 2 userModification: 3 properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7671} "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7389} "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7680} "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7660} "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7657} "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7669} "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7684} "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7659} "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7685} "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7670} "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7688} "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7683} "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7681} "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7682} "studiosDetailText" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7675} "themeDark" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7674} "whoIsJackLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7668} "nonSponsoredUserLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7686} ] children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] locked: null versionCount: 104 dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1710674533 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null}
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676 #type: "snippet" -useTargetGroup: null #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "snippets/footer.html.twig" #editables: [ "colTitle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Textarea {#7953 #text: "" #config: [ "nl2br" => true ] #name: "colTitle" #realName: "colTitle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: "" config: [ "nl2br" => true ] name: "colTitle" realName: "colTitle" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "colWysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#7925 #text: """ <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n BRUXELLES</strong></span><br />\n Avenue du péage 81<br />\n Woluwe-Saint-Lambert<br />\n &nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n ANVERS</strong></span><span style="font-size:26px"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span><br />\n Bredastraat 127<br />\n 2060 Anvers</p>\n \n <p>&nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><a href="tel:0032471 89 56 67">+(32) 471 89 56 67</a></p>\n \n <p><a href=""></a></p>\n """ #config: [] #name: "colWysiwyg" #realName: "colWysiwyg" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null text: """ <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n BRUXELLES</strong></span><br />\n Avenue du péage 81<br />\n Woluwe-Saint-Lambert<br />\n &nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><span style="font-size:24px"><strong>PLUG THE JACK<br />\n ANVERS</strong></span><span style="font-size:26px"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span><br />\n Bredastraat 127<br />\n 2060 Anvers</p>\n \n <p>&nbsp;</p>\n \n <p><a href="tel:0032471 89 56 67">+(32) 471 89 56 67</a></p>\n \n <p><a href=""></a></p>\n """ config: [] name: "colWysiwyg" realName: "colWysiwyg" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "contentblock" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#7954 #indices: [ "1" "3" "4" "9" "6" "5" "10" ] #current: 0 #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #name: "contentblock" #realName: "contentblock" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null indices: [ "1" "3" "4" "9" "6" "5" "10" ] current: 0 config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] name: "contentblock" realName: "contentblock" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7955 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition musiciens" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 107 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition musiciens" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 107 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7956 #data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "CONDITIONS GENERALES" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => null "linktype" => "direct" "text" => "CONDITIONS GENERALES" "path" => "" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => false "internalId" => null ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7957 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition batterie" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition/studio-pour-batteurs" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 224 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Répétition batterie" "path" => "/fr/studios-repetition/studio-pour-batteurs" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 224 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7958 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Location salle DJ " "path" => "/fr/studios-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 110 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Location salle DJ " "path" => "/fr/studios-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 110 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7959 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Enregistrement de musique" "path" => "/fr/studios-enregistrement-production" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 97 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Enregistrement de musique" "path" => "/fr/studios-enregistrement-production" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 97 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7960 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Studio podcast" "path" => "/fr/studios-podcast" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 109 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Studio podcast" "path" => "/fr/studios-podcast" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 109 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } "" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#7961 #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Comment Devenir DJ" "path" => "/fr/studios-dj/comment-devenir-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 245 ] #config: [] #name: "" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 113 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #dao: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Comment Devenir DJ" "path" => "/fr/studios-dj/comment-devenir-dj" "target" => "" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 245 ] config: [] name: "" realName: "link" documentId: 113 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#7676} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null } ] #versions: null #contentMasterDocumentId: null #supportsContentMaster: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #fullPathCache: null #id: 113 #parentId: 96 #parent: Pimcore\Model\Document\Folder {#5739 …} #key: "footer" #path: "/fr/Snippets/" #index: 0 #published: true #creationDate: 1669716827 #modificationDate: 1710674533 #userOwner: 2 #userModification: 3 #properties: [ "BookNowLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7671 #name: "BookNowLink" #data: "100" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "BookNowLink" data: "100" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "companyMail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7389 #name: "companyMail" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "companyMail" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "defaultSearchPlace" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7680 #name: "defaultSearchPlace" #data: "18" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "defaultSearchPlace" data: "18" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "facebookUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7660 #name: "facebookUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "facebookUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footerLogo" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7657 #name: "footerLogo" #data: "6" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "footerLogo" data: "6" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "instagramUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7669 #name: "instagramUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "instagramUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7684 #name: "language" #data: "fr" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: false #dao: null name: "language" data: "fr" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: false } "linkedinUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7659 #name: "linkedinUrl" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "linkedinUrl" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "mainNavStartNode" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7685 #name: "mainNavStartNode" #data: "94" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "mainNavStartNode" data: "94" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "packsCreditsUrl" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7670 #name: "packsCreditsUrl" #data: "255" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "packsCreditsUrl" data: "255" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "politiqueDeConfidentialite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7688 #name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" #data: null #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "politiqueDeConfidentialite" data: null type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-Image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7683 #name: "SEO-OG-Image" #data: null #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-Image" data: null type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7681 #name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" #data: "4249" #type: "asset" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 113 #inheritable: true #inherited: true #dao: null name: "SEO-OG-ImageDefault" data: "4249" type: "asset" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 113 inheritable: true inherited: true } "studiosDetailLink" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#7682 #name: "studiosDetailLink" #data: "111" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" 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dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1710674533 _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null scheduledTasks: null}